Bernard for PUD seat

I am writing in support of Phyllis Bernard as Clallam County Public Utility District No. 1 commissioner. My wife, Peggy, and I worked for decades in the infrastructure industry, dealing with energy, water and communications projects.

Having an interest in our local utilities, we attended the PUD interviews of the candidates for the open commissioner seat.

To hear someone so obviously well-versed in the challenges inherent in trying to bring, maintain and enhance utility services into rural communities was very refreshing.

Phyllis spoke of her years of board experience, helping public utilities integrate into a national power grid, and how she had helped to achieve those goals.

I was pleased to see that someone with real-life experience and know-how was poised to be in a position where that ability could be put to good use for our community.

I was grateful when the other commissioners selected her to join them.

They clearly saw what I saw: someone with the knowledge and experience to see what needs to be done, and the energy and ability to make it happen.

More than that, Phyllis strikes me as someone who is a part of this community and is working to make it better for everyone.

She has the necessary temperament to work as part of a team, with the confidence to take the lead when necessary.

I believe she can get things done and that she is a principled person who will put the well-being of her constituency ahead of all else.

Rick Goette

Port Angeles