LETTER: Bernard endorsement

Phyllis Bernard has my unreserved endorsement for Clallam County Public Utility District, District No. 3 commissioner, the position to which she was recently appointed.

I have worked in the electrical utilities industry for more than 25 years and hold a California Independent System Operator inspector’s credential.

This experience has informed conversations that I have had with Bernard regarding emerging issues in the energy market and, specifically, Clallam PUD’s position as a wholesale client that does not generate its own electricity.

Her years of experience with regional energy marketing organizations, as an administrative law judge and in mediation roles, have prepared her well to continue in her role as commissioner.

Furthermore, she is keenly aware of challenges to securing a reliable water supply for Clallam County and takes a proactive approach.

I know her to be an actively engaged member of this community and is passionately devoted to it.

Ken Williams

Port Angeles