LETTER: Brewer’s impact

At the June 8 memorial service remembrance event for John Brewer, people talked about how he impacted their lives at the newspaper he headed and throughout his adopted community.

But few may know of the hours he gave to supporting qualities he loved about living here, including salmon and trout streams.

He helped with postings for the Friends of Ennis Creek Facebook page and often for other social media sites to inform people about problems and possibilities related to the salmon, steelhead and trout in Ennis Creek.

He participated in daylong watershed cleanups.

He improved communications with the state Department of Ecology to try to increase effectiveness in cleaning up and restoring Ennis Creek and its watershed on the former Rayonier mill site, where the stream enters Port Angeles Harbor.

For Port Angeles Garden Club’s Forever StreamFest events, he helped prepare displays and coordinate volunteers.

Friends of Ennis Creek will keep building on John Brewer’s legacy by trying to save the stream he cared about.

If we and other supporters are successful, salmon, steelhead and other fish of Ennis Creek will carry John’s legacy as they flourish long beyond the lifetimes of those of us who honor him now.

Robbie Mantooth

Port Angeles

Co-founder of Friends of Ennis Creek