LETTER: Can’t prove rising oceans

In U.S. Rep. Derek Kilmer’s newsletter, he is happy about the funding he helped procure to protect against rising sea levels on Washington’s coast.

NOAA awarded more than $75 million for the projects. This is pork for pork’s sake.

We measure our ocean levels by satellite, which gives us the distance between the satellite and the ocean surface.

That number is then subtracted from the distance between the satellite to the center of the earth, which is calculated to within 20 kilometers. The answer is given to within a millimeter.

This is not mathematically possible.

Then there are tides constantly moving, and continents rising from and falling into our oceans, and there is no way to accurately tell if our oceans are actually rising.

Spending this money to combat an unprovable theory is symbolic as to why our country is $35 trillion in debt.

Mark A. White

Port Angeles