LETTER: Cobb has credentials for Port Angeles port commissioner

This letter is in strong support of the candidacy of Michael Cobb as a Port Angeles port commissioner.

His credentials are superb, and I know and like him personally.

He is a former U.S. Navy officer and is currently a Coast Guard licensed master mariner.

He has a master’s degree in accounting and has worked in management, sales, marketing and finance.

About 20 years ago, I worked as a laborer in the Port Angeles boatyard.

I strongly support Mike’s hopes for marine industry businesses, and his support for recreational boating (“Candidates diverge on direction: Port of Port Angeles incumbent, challenger discuss issues at forum,” PDN, Sept. 22).

A little later, I had the honor of helping the late Bill Larson in bringing the Sea Explorers to Port Angeles, so I strongly support Mike’s teaching sailing to young people.

Bill Marsh,

Port Angeles