LETTER: Constitutional republic

I would like to remind the writer of “Principles of Democracy” (PDN, July 6) that we live in a democracy only on election days.

The rest of the time we live in a constitutional republic.

I suggest he become more familiar with our founding documents.

Now as to presidential immunity and that terrible Supreme Court.

The decisions for and against are at best convoluted.

When one separates the sheep from the goats, we find one of the goats in the sheep flock and likewise a sheep hanging out with the goats.

The decision did not follow party lines.

Wait, what?

The court is not political and the decision is final.

Listen up, this decision applies to all presidents.

That would include the present White House occupant.

The immunity decision is not unconditional, but it will certainly put a crimp in Biden’s plans.

Leo J. Boyd, Sr.

Port Hadlock