LETTER: Dangers of ‘Project 2025’

Every citizen, no matter their party affiliation, should learn about “Project 2025: Presidential Transition Project,” as they listen to the candidates.

At 900 pages, it was funded by the Heritage Foundation along with other conservative organizations and written by Trump allies.

It is a blueprint describing in minute detail the Far Right’s plan to create a top-down, all-control-at-the-top regime.

This extreme regime would destroy regular citizens’ fundamental rights, freedoms and protections, and would instead serve big donors and wealthy corporations.

Just a short list of their goals include firing disloyal civil service workers, politicizing the FBI and Department of Justice, ending protections of all reproductive and LGBTQ rights, ending the Department of Education and proclaiming that environmental regulations are anti-human and part of a pseudo-religion.

Make no mistake, this is a complete undoing of our way of life.

It would impact communities both large and small.

It is amazing that the authors would show their hand and be so bold as to make this radical plan public before the coming election in November, but that is exactly what they did.

Please contact Congressman Derek Kilmer, Sen. Maria Cantwell and Sen. Patty Murray and tell them to work toward bold proactive reforms and protect our voting rights.

And use the power of your vote to make the right choices in November.

Lisa Dekker

Port Angeles