LETTER: Debate conclusions

After watching the debate Thursday night, I have come to two conclusions.

My first thought is our nation is in a terrible state when we have to rely on two old men on which to rest the success or failure of our great democracy.

Out of 330 million people, this is the best we can do?

In that case, something is wrong with the system.

The second conclusion is we are faced between choosing between a narcissistic, lying zealot with no integrity and a feeble patriotic old man who had a difficult time expressing himself.

No doubt the pressure to perform well on a national stage with 60 percent of the voters viewing has to be almost unbearable.

This is one event.

The position of president is extremely stressful and no doubt affects the person in that position both mentally and physically.

As a voter in the November election, my first goal is to select a candidate who will keep our democracy secure.

The second goal of the president is to provide leadership and decisions that will support the well-being of the people.

In spite of the outcome of last night’s debate, my vote still goes out to Old Joe Biden.

Steve Chinn
