LETTER: Disappointment with Democrats

In response to the PDN article from July 24 regarding the 24th Legislative District race between Mike Chapman and Marcia Kelbon.

If he is elected senator, Chapman said “he would focus on education, affordable housing, childcare, healthcare, improving the local economy and establishing family wage jobs … “

Chapman talks a nice story, but when push came to shove in the last session, he voted against tenants.

Chapman also stated, “Washington state’s inflation has largely impacted rent increases,” and he would focus on rent stabilization.

But he had the chance to help renters. He voted against tenants. He joined Republicans and voted no.

The bill would have limited rent increases to 7 percent per year.

As a program assistant for Clallam-Jefferson Pro Bono Lawyers, I see the ever-increasing number of evictions.

There’s an unprecedented number of seniors losing housing because they are getting out-priced.

Clients in their 70s and 80s fearful of becoming homeless.

As a tenant myself, my rent was increased 11 percent this year.

But sure, tell me again how Chapman is helping.

It’s also noteworthy that, as a senator, Kevin Van De Wege refused to vote for getting the bill out of committee and forwarding it to the floor. With no explanation.

I’m not sure what’s going on with our Democrats in Olympia.

I have written to each of them. No responses. Just crickets. None of them will have my vote.

Our neighbors, each of us, deserve representatives who listen and advocate on our behalf.

Mary Margolis

Port Angeles