The letter “Wants people to vote for Democrats” on Oct. 7, is so much like all of the other special knowledge letters, it makes me think, that we could get rid of the CIA, FBI, NSA, and all the other intelligence agencies, and save the money wasted on them, by just watching CNN and reading all the anti-Republican hogwash spewed by the writers of such letters.
We could stir in all the defund-police money, and save a wad of cash, while we get rid of all the snoop agencies, and let our Democrat neighbors keep us informed of the latest Republican outrage.
A true money saver.
I didn’t read this in any letter to the editor, but what do you want to bet, Joe Biden will leave office, without a full term served, and we’ll have (Kamala) Harris to deal with, for some time to come.
Joe just wants to be president for a while, while Harris wants to change the world.
Read and heed.
Robert Wilson
Port Angeles