Did you know that Kroger, the second largest grocery store in America, has announced that they are buying Albertsons, the fourth largest grocery store in America for $24.6 billion dollars?
Aren’t they in the same business?
Isn’t that a monopoly?
What has happened to antitrust laws?
Kroger says, after spending $24.6 billion dollars, they will be able to bring down prices for the consumer.
If you believe that, I have a nice little bridge in Brooklyn for you to buy.
Kroger and Albertsons have also said they planned to sell stores to competitors if they are in an area where there is overlap.
Well, in Sequim, Kroger owns QFC and Albertsons owns Safeway.
A bit of an overlap?
How did that work out for Haggen in Port Angeles?
I have emailed the Bureau of Competition under the auspices of the Federal Trade Commission asking them to stop their regulatory approval for this merger.
Their email address is antitrust@ftc.gov.
You can also call 202-326-3300.
Or contact your local congressmen or senator.
Or do all of the above.
We, the people, have power when we all act together.
Pam Carter