If you can’t drive
If you make more than three of these driving errors frequently, please stop driving. You are going to hurt someone.
• Slow for curves because you get scared.
• Tailgate, aggressively or ignorantly.
• Too fearful to pass.
• Pass when there is nothing to gain.
• Too fearful to turn across traffic unless opening is big enough for 747.
• Drive too slow until someone tries to pass, then accelerate.
• Drive the same speed regardless of speed limit.
• Rush from red light to red light, to enjoy waiting.
• Don’t know what to do at “sudden” or “tight” situation so you stop, too far back, in the middle of traffic.
• Can’t tell when you are driving in wrong gear, emergency brake is on, you have a flat tire, or why your engine ticks so loud.
• Do not know how to downshift.
• In the snow, you drive slowly uphill and fast downhill.
• Anxiously endanger other drivers by driving so slowly, hesitantly, fearfully.
• Aggressively endanger others because you are young, male, your vehicle has four-wheel drive, the exhaust sounds funny and you think you are invincible.
• Do not know rules of unmarked intersections.
• Yield right-of-way when you have the right-of-way.
• Can’t understand ferry employees’ loading directions.
• Think you can text or apply makeup and drive.
• Think mistreating other drivers teaches them a lesson about them.
• You think you are the only one who knows how to drive, so you write self-administered driving tests.
Seriously, folks, if you do not know how to drive, please stay home.
Paul C. Daley,
Port Angeles