LETTER: Feeling safe

I am grateful to the Sequim-Dungeness Valley Chamber of Commerce for including me as an essential worker in their citizen of the year (2020) presentation.

As a CNA (certified nursing assistant) working in assisted living, I am one of the many people on the front line, helping to care for the well-being of our community’s most vulnerable citizens.

I am now at risk of losing my job due to the mandate issued by our governor concerning COVID-19 vaccinations, which I choose not to take.

Please, before you criticize me for my choice, consider that the term “cases” does not necessarily mean death, hospitalizations or even symptoms; nor does fully vaccinated mean any lasting immunity.

Will we need regular eight-month booster shots of a one-size-fits-all vaccine in order to keep triggering spike protein reactions in our bodies?

Is this singular approach to manipulating the immune system even healthy?

Might we be overloading our bodies with toxic levels of treatment?

Might we be training COVID-19 to adapt to our vaccines?

Shun me, fire me.

Maybe then you’ll feel safe.

David G. Boyd
