National Feral Cat Day, created by Alley Cat Allies in 2001, is now Global Cat Day. It reflected inspiration and help provided to cat advocates worldwide Oct. 16.
It’s still a day of action and advocacy for cats.
Despite depressing news that we seemingly can’t control, there’s comfort helping those in need.
We can have a direct, positive effect helping cats.
The single most effective thing is helping to get a cat spayed or neutered.
This not only makes that one cat’s life better but also those of many other cats.
It prevents others from being born to a life where they continue the cycle of being rejected, abandoned and not cared for by humans.
Adult cats and kittens waiting in shelters will be adopted sooner without the endless supply of unwanted kittens admitted.
There will be fewer stray and feral cats, and cats will be considered a lifetime companion, not disposable.
It’s easy to make a positive difference for cats.
You can directly help by volunteering to help feral, stray, community and pet cats get spayed and neutered.
Donations help more surgeries get done.
Fostering feral kittens helps socialize them and shy adult cats learn to trust humans again.
Donations of cat food, litter and other items to shelters and rescue groups are appreciated.
There are many easy things you can do that will leave your heart warmer and save and improve the lives of cats.
Linda Dennis,