LETTER: Give a voice to the rest of Clallam on commissioner board makeup

I congratulate Randy Johnson and Clallam County that a well-qualified commissioner candidate can run and be elected in this county without a party label.

But I am upset that I was not allowed to vote for him because I do not live in his district [Port Angeles District 2].

Our three-person county-commissioner government system was set up many years ago when just about the only important thing county government did was roads.

But in the 21st century, the county is a huge operation that spends a lot of tax dollars (some of them mine) on many different things that affect many different people, and county government should be modernized.

My suggestion: Leave the three commissioners to be elected as they are now (we still have roads).

But we should add two more commissioners to be elected by and from the county at large.

This would give a voice to more citizens on what the county does and who runs it.

Marv Chastain,

Port Angeles