LETTER: Gone too far

President Trump has again gone too far; inciting a mob to attack the Capitol building, Congress, in an effort to overthrow the 2020 election.

Congress chose not to cave in to intimidation and verified the results.

Many among his followers favored this effort and are calling for more such efforts.

I believe they wish to turn back the clock to the early 1960s when America was 93 percent white and solidly Christian.

To accomplish this goal will require illegal actions; booting out millions of immigrants who are people of color and have become U.S. citizens and getting rid of the First Amendment which guarantees freedom of religious belief and forbids a national church.

To accomplish these goals will require a presidential dictator.

For this reason they attacked Congress in an effort to garner an illegitimate four more years for President Trump, four more years to accomplish their agenda.

So I say to the Trump supporters: If you have to commit crimes to attain your goals, then you need to reconsider your goals; perhaps they are illegitimate.

It is best to move forward, legally, rather than backward using illegal means.

Jesus was not white, he was brown, with dark eyes and black wavy hair.

We are all God’s children, not just white people from northern Europe.

Soon Trump will be out, but the scars will remain, making our democracy even stronger than it was before this attack.

Bill Bokamper

Port Angeles