LETTER: Gun regulations

Comments on “Plans for gun regulations progress in Legislature” (PDN, Feb. 6).

Fortunately, the article presents a balanced view of the topic.

Our radical leftist Legislature seems to have been elected by voters of the liberal counties of Snohomish, King and Pierce, whose votes outnumber the reasonable, sensible remaining voters of the state.

Gun regulations, commonly known as gun control laws, are supposedly keeping us safe from gun violence.

Gun violence is an Orwellian term dreamed up by the radical Left to instill fear into the ignorant and uninformed.

The awful tragedy of the death of Joseph Martinez could have been prevented by parents being smarter than children and educating their children in the safe use and handling of firearms, not by mandates to lock up firearms, in spite of what House Speaker Laurie Jinkins says.

Firearms are this country’s heritage, and this state’s Democrats living in their gun-free Utopian bubble want to require a permit to purchase guns.

The tragically traumatized student Julia Berus thinks she’s safer with permits.

Sympathizing with Ann-Marie Parsons on restricting bulk purchases of ammunition, but in reality, it only takes one bullet.

Another inane bill imposes excise taxes on guns and ammo to keep us safer from armed psychopaths.

They want more gun-free zones where we can all be targets.

And want more requirements for FFL dealers, one of the most regulated businesses in the country.

With their misguided tyrannical agenda, they feel safer having citizens disarmed.

Roger M. Foszcz

Port Angeles