I grew up in Port Angeles and attended K-12 in the Port Angeles School District. I attended Washington State University and Howard Law School.
I joined the United States Army as an active duty Judge Advocate and recently retired to Sequim.
I am a product of the Peninsula’s education system.
I now have a school-aged daughter at Helen Haller Elementary, so I am deeply invested in the school levy and bond.
When I was in the Army, I moved every one to two years, living in many different small and larger communities all over America and the world.
The most important factor in choosing where to live is the quality of the education for my daughter.
If the schools aren’t well supported by resources by the community, then I believe it is a direct reflection of the community’s priorities.
I want the very best education for my child I can find. I do not believe I am alone in this desire.
As a community, we should all value this for all of our children. It is central to creating a legacy for the next generation.
In this area, our teachers are top-notch. However, the buildings are severely lacking. And like it or not, it does matter.
In passing this school levy and bond on Feb. 11, we will send a message that we value education.
We will send a message we value our community and are proud of it.
We will send a message we strive for excellence and want the best for our children and are willing to invest in the future.
In addition, when our school district has well-funded schools, then our property values increase.
We will attract talent in all of our vital occupations, which will make living on the Peninsula better for all of us in every aspect.
Please vote yes for the school levy and bond for a long-term investment in our next generation.
May Nicholson