In response to a letter writer’s attack on [Clallam County] Superior Court Judge Brian Coughenour’s “professional appearance” in an Oct. 21-22 letter [“Neupert qualified”], I can guess what he saw.
Brian wears Carhartts he gets at Swain’s General Store, denim shirts and, of course, his signature bolo tie.
He’s one of us, not a slick lawyer from a big firm.
What he wears under his robe is not important.
It’s his heart and mind that make him a superior judge.
I’m a veteran, and veterans measure a man by whether he shares a foxhole with him, not by what he wears or what he looks like.
Judge Coughenour’s commitment to this community is well-known, and I urge you to keep him in office as our Superior Court judge for the man he is, not his appearance.
Fenley R. “Skeeter” Crawford,
Port Angeles