LETTER: No Seabrook in Sequim

Recently I met a lady who wore a Seabrook, Wash., sweatshirt. I asked her if she lived in Seabrook.

She told me that her family vacationed there several times.

She stated they liked it because they did not have to drive after they arrived there.

Everything they needed was available.

She was surprised that Seabrook was going to build in rural Sequim.

Seabrook is a large area with things like shopping for clothes and food, restaurants, an indoor swimming pool and many other amenities.

There is not enough land to supply these features and build 600 houses in the purposed property near the John Wayne Marina.

They are planning on a small shopping area, so the result would be most of the people who live or vacation there will be driving to Sequim, Port Angeles and Port Townsend.

Our roads are not built to handle this much traffic. We will become a much more congested area. We are already heading there.

Several other developers are already building multiple homes in Sequim.

Before you grant the necessary permits for Seabrook, take into account the traffic problems, including road maintenance.

In addition, the lack of enough doctors for the population that exists now will grow much worse.

Carole Travis
