An email from the Family Research Council ( details a new strategy of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee “to make sure you have candidates that fit the district,” meaning Democrats supporting a pro-life platform.
This does not mean that Democrats have changed their minds about saving babies, but they have changed their minds on how to win elections.
The lesson for us is this: Our votes matter.
During pregnancy, the uterus supports and nourishes the developing baby.
Our schools should support and nourish our children.
The Port Angeles School Board is establishing a school-based health center that can make referrals for abortions without parental consent.
The School Board has policies that allow males who identify as females to be in the girls’ rest rooms and locker rooms, and they passed the Family Life and Sexual Health sexual education program.
Please consider voting no on future school levies until the Port Angeles School Board reverses these policies.
Visit for more.
Our votes matter.
Terry Trudel,
Port Angeles