LETTER: Pay county employees

On July 11, I attended the Teamsters Local Union 589 meeting with Clallam County employees.

It was the worst meeting of its kind I’ve ever witnessed, marked by subterfuge, hidden agendas and misrepresentation.

Only about 35 people attended due to poor notification, and the information provided was misleading.

Clallam County employees, essential to our community, are treated and paid poorly.

Despite tourism in the region exceeding $1 billion in 2023, these employees remain undervalued.

Wastewater treatment workers, crucial for maintaining our community’s health and appeal, are underpaid.

Courthouse staff, handling essential legal matters, also face significant underpayment.

The average salary reported for Clallam County employees is skewed by high earners, masking the struggles of many.

Clallam County’s misleading promises, COLA percentages and flawed salary studies are unacceptable.

These employees cannot strike due to legal agreements, but as community members, we can advocate for them.

We must demand proper representation, fair voting procedures and established processes to ensure transparency.

The lack of a fair process at the meeting was astonishing.

There should be a quorum requirement for votes to ensure representation from all departments.

Without these employees, our community would suffer, and they deserve proper appreciation and representation.

Clallam County needs to do better.

High earners should also advocate for these workers, who help them perform their jobs but struggle to make ends meet.

We need to ensure these employees receive fair compensation and respect.

Start with a raise that isn’t insulting.

Heather House

Clallam Bay