LETTER: Port Angeles school facilities levy important for entire community

Levy important for community

The health of our community and its citizens (young and old) is dependent on many things.

Healthy lifestyle, prevention, excellent health care and facilities to name a few.

High quality education with updated, safe facilities also enhance community health.

Our children and teachers now deserve better.

Health care providers considering moving to our area always ask about true community support for education.

After considerable planning and listening, the Port Angeles School District has proposed a new capital facilities levy.

This would begin a necessary path toward relieving overcrowding and improve educationally outdated infrastructure.

On or before Feb. 13, please vote in favor of the new Port Angeles school facilities levy.

The Olympic Medical Center Medical Staff Executive Committee is unanimously supportive of this levy.

On Jan.3, the Olympic Medical Center Board of Commissioners also fully endorsed this school facilities levy.

Thank you for your vote. This is really so important for our entire community.

Mark Fischer,

Port Angeles