LETTER: Readers should beware of prejudicial journalism of Cal Thomas

PDN Thursday columnist Cal Thomas says he had to stop going to the movies (“Not-So-Golden Globes,” Jan. 12 Commentary page) “because I grew tired of their political agendas, the profanities, the sex scenes and blasphemies.”

So he missed out just recently on a heartfelt portrayal of a broken man but also a good janitor in Manchester north of Boston (“Manchester by the Sea”) and his supportive friends, a challenged black baseball player and also a garbage collector in Pittsburgh (“Fences”) and his working-class black family in the 1950s, and so many more slices of this American life.

Maybe if Cal were not a Hollywood rejecter, he would learn something about the people who make this country work and who make it great.

Not everyone sits in a fine office writing op-ed pieces.

And of those of them who do, not all of them are as viciously negative and vituperative as Cal.

Readers, beware of prejudicial journalism.

Lyn Muench,

Port Angeles