Re: Cal Thomas’ column in the PDN’s Nov. 17 issue in which he says that Democrats are “smearing newly named White House counselor and chief strategist Stephen Bannon … with little or no evidence.”
I suggest checking data and “evidence” from the Southern Poverty Law Center ( regarding Mr. Bannon’s long and active association with groups that would certainly not represent “all the people.”
I will not use labels.
I invite you to just look at the facts shown by his actions as well as his words.
The Southern Poverty Law Center is a nonprofit organization that has identified over 800 hate groups that are currently active in our beautiful country.
SPLC’s purpose is to fight hate, teach tolerance and seek justice, especially for those who have no voice in many places in our society.
SPLC has been active in this work for many years.
It not only takes illegal actions made against children and workers into the courtroom, it provides information for schools through its Teaching Tolerance program.
From my personal experience as a volunteer with a sheriff’s department, I know that peace officials regard this organization as a reputable and valuable resource for gathering factual and well-documented information.
I respectfully suggest that each of us check reputable data sources before making decisions and voicing our perspectives.
Clancy Blakemore,
Port Angeles