There are two immature, mean-spirited men who want to waste taxpayers’ money (desperately needed for worthy causes) and public officials’ time by outing citizens who love their pets through purposely and needlessly exposing their personal information.
Shame on them.
Volunteers who give countless hours searching for permanent, loving homes for thousands of abandoned and homeless pets have a hard enough job without idiotic — and, in my honest opinion, bogus — requests that will surely bring pain and suffering to innocent animals.
We are so lucky here to have [Clallam County] Sheriff Bill Benedict — a man of dedication, common sense and concern for the welfare of both animals and citizens.
Sheriff Benedict is a brave man for his willingness to serve us — despite despicable people (“Sheriff Hit With New Request: Edmonds Man Seeks Pet Licensing, Law Enforcement Private Information,” Aug. 6, PDN).
Especially [William] Sheehan, who has a history of publishing [officials’] Social Security numbers.
Although, of course, he wants to hide behind anonymity:
“I will retaliate by publishing your home address and your SSN … [i]f your department or your agents make any reference about me, including my name on Facebook or so much as say my name, I’ll sue.”
With people like Sheehan, why would anyone go into law enforcement?
Absolutely disgusting.
Greg Taylor,
Port Angeles