LETTER: Shopping is not a right, it’s a privilege

Really? Again?

Yet another letter about personal liberties now asking why we should require businesses to enforce mask rules.

Simple answer: your liberty stops when it infringes on mine, and I prefer to live, along with my mom, children, grand- and great grandchildren.

Businesses state: No Shoes, No Shirt, No Service; just add No Masks.

Shopping is not a right. It’s a privilege.

Lucky that most of this population was not around during the last World War.

Then people pulled together and did what they had to do to help support the effort.

They functioned as a community that actually cared for others, their country and even the world.

Good our me-first population wasn’t around back then.

If they had been, we might not be here now.

So, what’s it going to be?

Continue to worry that “real men, and women, don’t wear masks” like our fearless leader, or suck it up and think about everyone else in addition to yourselves?

Maybe if you don’t wear a mask, you’ll get sick and die.

Maybe you won’t infect anyone else, maybe you will.

Maybe you don’t care about others, maybe you don’t even care about yourselves, but I believe that even if you die because of your personal liberty, there is still somebody out there that will mourn that you died.

Guess you don’t care about them either.

Too bad, so sad and what a loss.

Is it really too much to ask?

Sharon DelaBarre
