LETTER: Stand up to Putin

My youngest years were during WWII. From Baby Boomers to Gen Z, all have experienced relative global peace.

Alliances of countries have worked together to stand up to bullies like Putin.

Since 1945, parts of the world have experienced violence, but fortunately, none have become the global catastrophe of WWII. It cost 55 million lives.

Trump claims he just wants to end the war in Ukraine. Unfortunately, his actions to accomplish this are a repeat of actions that led to WWII.

In 1938, the Munich pact, signed by leaders wanting to to appease Hitler, allowed him to annex part of Czechoslovakia. It simply emboldened him.

In 1939, his invasion of Poland started WWII.

Today, Trump wants to “stop the killing” by appeasing Putin, the aggressor, by allowing him to retain parts of Ukraine. Meanwhile, Ukraine is denied a seat at the negotiating table.

If Putin is allowed to keep part of Ukraine, it will embolden him to invade other neighbors.

Meanwhile, Trump is also weakening NATO, the alliance formed specifically to provide collective security against aggressive actions by the Soviet Union.

On Feb. 24, Trump voted no on a U.N resolution condemning Russian aggression in Ukraine. He was joined by Russia, North Korea, Iran and 14 other anti-democratic countries.

Trump once said, “No one can match America. We have big hearts and the courage to do what’s right.“

Call the White House at 1-202-456-1111 and declare the right thing to do is support NATO and stand up to Putin.

Norma Turner

Port Angeles