LETTER: Support Upthegrove

As an active Olympic Climate Action participant, a prolific reader and an outdoor enthusiast, I strongly support Dave Upthegrove for state Commissioner of Public Lands, and I urge the public to carefully think through its candidate selection for this essential position.

Our Commissioner of Public Lands directs the management of 6 million acres of state land, including forests and aquatic lands.

Washington state land represents diverse, complex ecosystems.

Within our forest portfolio, 3 percent includes mature legacy forest, storing vast amounts of carbon, and protecting water quality and salmon habitat; Dave Upthegrove would protect this vital legacy forest.

Consider the importance of environmental justice, quality job opportunities, legacy forest protection, climate change mitigation and native tribal roles in your candidate selection: Dave Upthegrove supports all of these values.

As Commissioner of Public Lands, Dave Upthegrove would work collaboratively with people from diverse backgrounds and settings in climate change mitigation and natural habitat protection while fostering quality job opportunities and outdoor recreation.

His long track record of protecting the environment and creating quality jobs earned him the honor of Legislator of the Year by Washington Conservation Voters.

Please join me and the long list of endorsers in voting to support Dave Upthegrove in his run for state Commissioner of Public Lands.

Tammy Dziadek

Port Angeles