LETTER: Supports Franz

I support Hilary Franz for the U.S. House of Representatives, Washington District 6.

Hilary currently serves as Washington’s Commissioner of Public Lands, managing the Department of Natural Resources.

In that capacity, she has reformed and energized forest fire protection, prevention and forest health on state managed forests.

She has worked to expand local jobs in new industries, including cross-laminated timber and carbon-friendly bio-char.

Hilary is endorsed by Rep. Derek Kilmer and former Congressman Norm Dicks, modeling their practices of working across the aisles to achieve viable solutions.

In my experience as a career professional forester, I had numerous occasions to interact with Hilary.

We didn’t always agree, but we could always have reasonable discussions about the issues.

I am confident that she will continue to work for the best interests of the Olympic Peninsula, the state and the nation.

Please join me in support of Hilary Franz for the U.S. House of Representatives.

Norm Schaaf

Port Angeles