Following earlier submissions that addressed the recent impact of a school levy on Port Angeles property tax bills, a letter writer weighed in and suggested that, as voters consider future levies, we should pay more attention to the consequences.
The writer makes a good point.
I would add, however, that when faced with a future school levy, we should consider the consequences for not only our own individual tax bills but also for the educational well being of local students.
While many of us no longer have children in area schools, we owe our support to current and future students.
Our children benefited from the commitment and support that earlier citizens had made to enable sound facilities and great teachers.
The levy we are currently funding came after two earlier levies had failed.
The school district listened to citizen concerns and adjusted the scale and structure of the levy.
Engaged citizens looked at the plans, considered the consequences, voted and passed the levy with a comfortable majority.
Current and future students will benefit.
When it again becomes our turn to consider a school levy, let’s remember the foresight of those who came before us and continue to amply support local schools.
David Christian
Port Angeles