LETTER: Thanks Port Angeles street division for speedy repair

My 91-year-young husband uses a wheelchair, and we often go the pier area for our fresh air outing.

I park in the handicapped zone by Hollywood Beach.

For some time I’ve had a challenge getting the wheelchair up the part of the curb that had been obviously cut down to create a ramp.

It has been fairly rough going, and my 83-year-old hands felt the work.

I wrote to the Port Angeles street division about this situation, requesting some attention to that area.

This week when we went to that space, the curb had been clearly repaired and it was much easier to get my 175-pound hubby up to the street, and we greatly enjoyed our walk along the water path.

Many thanks for the speedy response to my request.

I’m sure more people with a similar situation are also happy to have easier access to our lovely waterfront and bay.

Clancy Blakemore

Port Angeles