Gratitude from Olympic Medical Center’s room 263, Sept. 17 though Oct. 1.
The art of extreme self-care is learned through many avenues and often during unintentional circumstances.
In my life, when I ask the universe or God or gods for patience, I’m given situations that are challenging to practice patience in.
My recent stay at Olympic Medical Center has been, without a doubt the most challenging situation thus far.
I’ve learned more than I could have ever asked for.
I’m writing today to express a gratitude so great words seem futile.
While it was their job to care for me, I feel like each individual who entered my room went above and beyond their pay grade.
Each person expressed so much compassion in both words and actions.
Each person entered without judgment and expressed a true sense of empathy and understanding for the process I was going through.
Everyone in the community who shared moments, prays and sent energy my way — I am forever grateful.
Let’s keep the flow of positive, healing energy going through to all in need.
Thank you all for sharing moments and the experience of living every minute with love, grace and gratitude.
Tera J. Dummitt,
Port Angeles