LETTER: Things to consider

Thinking of not voting because you like neither Biden nor Trump?

Consider a few things.

The next president will likely have three Supreme Court vacancies.

Do you care how that goes?

There are hundreds of lower court judges that will be appointed.

Do you care about their qualifications?

There are 20-26 Cabinet members.

Cabinet-level officials will be filled.

Either will fill those positions with people like themselves.

For Trump, that would be unethical angry loyalists, and for Biden, that would be topic experts who believe that public service is for the country not themselves.

Trump’s last Cabinet had more than half engaged in questionable or unethical conduct.

He has a track record.

Maybe you don’t like experts?

Would you have your surgeon wire your house or your plumber do your surgery?

The Supreme Court has just ruled that the president has immunity for official acts of office without defining official acts.

The opening is broad for the president to be Criminal-in-Chief and for Trump, if elected, to follow through with his promise of retribution and using the military to attack opposition.

Barbara Noble
