LETTER: To those criticizing climate march supporters, instead join quest for better tomorrow

I am writing this as a response to the May 3 letter to Peninsula Voices in the Peninsula Daily News [“Climate march”] that asked if those involved in the People’s Climate March on April 30 drove to the event and if we were willing to give up our fossil fuel vehicles until an alternative is available.

My husband and I carpooled to the event, as did many of our friends.

We have a neighborhood electric vehicle (electric car) we use to get around Port Townsend.

It does not have the range to get us to Port Angeles.

We drove our Prius to Port Angeles because it has the best gas mileage of any car we could afford.

We attended the march to support a future in which renewable energy is used for electricity to the fullest extent possible.

We are fully aware that we currently live in a fossil fuel culture and encourage anyone to think about the consequences of that.

The biosphere is very delicate, and all the carbon produced by fossil fuels can damage it to the point that human habitation could become impossible.

We are already seeing results of climate change in extreme weather and glacial melting.

We must pivot to renewable sources of energy now and not in some distant future.

It will provide many jobs and allow our environment to sustain life.

We wish those who criticize us would examine the science supporting global warming and join us in a quest for a better future.

Debbie Steele,

Port Townsend