LETTER: Tribe a positive force

The Jamestown S’Kallam Tribe has been a positive and dynamic force in our community for years.

They have built first class facilities with the Jamestown Clinic, the 7 Cedars Casino, the hotel and the wonderful tribal development in Blyn.

They own and operate the beautiful Dungeness Golf Course and its two restaurants.

They have helped make this area into a tourist destination.

Does S.O.S. really think the tribe would build a clinic that would jeopardize all they have worked for and developed?

I trust the Jamestown S’Kallam Tribe to build a clinic that will have a positive impact on our area and a clinic we will be proud of.

Opioid addiction has become a crisis for our community and our country.

It affects our neighbors, friends and family. We have to deal with this crisis, not ignore it.

Merrill Jefferson
