LETTER: Trump is scary

These are the scariest times in my 79 years of living.

It’s never happened before and I don’t understand.

How can one derelict human shape our country?

If you are thinking of voting for Trump, lend me your ear.

Folks, it won’t be our country anymore.

He wants it.

Please don’t give it to him. You won’t like it.

I already don’t like it.

It won’t be better; it’ll be worse.

Give him more power and we lose. We already are, Roe as an example.

If we value our rights, we must protect them.

Our democracy, that we all enjoy, will certainly become an autocracy.

He already has his plans and is ripping his followers for every cent they give.

No more, no more.

He’s the most dangerous man on the planet right now. Throw in Putin and you have a matching set.

A grifter, a carnival barker, a con above cons.

Pay attention, we’re in big trouble.

He already says it’ll be a bloodbath if he isn’t elected. Believe him.

Don’t give Trump another chance to grift the United States, please.

Marilyn Merriam

Port Angeles

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