LETTER: Truth problem

Like the drunk who didn’t have a drinking problem but, rather, a sobriety problem, Biden may not have a lying problem, but he definitely has a truth problem.

For instance, Biden said that “in my first two years, I reduced the debt by $1.7 trillion” but, actually, the national debt increased by $3.5 trillion during his term in office and so Biden’s statement was not true.

And Biden claimed that “his family never made any money” through his family’s international dealings with China, but a data search reflects that over a million dollars was transferred to the Biden family via Chinese intermediaries.

Yet another not true.

Never forgetting that Biden said he was first in his family to go to college, that he is a descendant of a coal mining family, he’s just a working stiff from Scranton, he was arrested in South Africa, he was at ground zero on 9/11, and the driver who killed his wife and daughter in a car crash “drank his lunch,” the Afghan withdrawal was a “great success,” inflation is “transitory,” and, my favorite, “inflation was 9 percent when I came into office.”

Even more not trues.

So, really, when you stop to think about it, these not trues are really lies after all.

And pretty blatant ones at that so, actually, in retrospect, I guess he does have a lying problem.

And if my mother was in charge, he would get his mouth washed out with soap.

Dick Pilling

Port Angeles