LETTER: Urging a no vote on Initiative 976

One of the most important things on your ballot will be Initiative 976.

It is another Tim Eyman $30 car tab initiative with some poison pills.

It offers to save you money on car tab fees.

But what it fails to tell you is the cost.

Some of the things that would be jeopardized: Sound Transit running between Snohomish and Pierce counties, ferries, Amtrak Cascade trains that run between British Columbia and Oregon, State Patrol, major freeway projects, freight mobility grants, van pools, road and transit money for 62 cities, repair of 160 deteriorating bridges and overpasses, etc.

Also potentially on the cutting block are the Elwha Bridge replacement, Morse Creek barrier and Simdars interchange in Sequim.

Vote no on Initiative 976.

Diane Jones

Port Townsend