LETTER: Venison fest

This is an idea of when the world gives you lemons, make lemonade.

Last Tuesday, I stepped out my back door and startled a doe that was munching on my roses.

She took off, easily bounding over our 5-foot fence.

This was not the first time deer have feasted on my flowers.

Anyway, as I was watching the hind end of the doe disappear over the fence, this great idea hit me.

We are all familiar with Crab Fest that is held each year.

It is a festive gathering of locals and tourists. It brings people together to have a delicious dining experience.

Well, why not have a Venison Fest?

Port Angeles has huge deer population that seems to be growing larger each year.

The Venison Fest would certainly reduce the deer population, and importantly, save our beautiful flowers and shrubbery.

The Crab Fest can serve as a model.

There’d be a huge tent with several barbecues going full bore with a savory smell in the air.

There would be a menu of delicious doe ribs, tasty four-pointer stew and, best of all, Bambi burgers.

Venison Fest would be popular with locals and tourists alike.

Who could resist a plate of mouth-watering Bambi burgers?

All served with lemonade.

Gerald Morris

Port Angeles