LETTER: Wants to thank Daniel Charles Svoboda for the laughs

Thank you, Daniel Charles Svoboda.

When I lived and voted in Canada, I used to enjoy the antics of the Rhinoceros Party, a spoof political party which ran on policies such as abolishing the laws of gravity; instituting English, French and Illiteracy as Canada’s three official languages; and ending crime by abolishing all laws.

I greatly miss the Rhinoceros Party which provided a good laugh, hilarious alternative platforms, and entertaining candidates, including a dominatrix, who would slyly wink at the serious and staid conventional contenders.

There were even some elections when the Rhinoceros candidates out-polled some of their traditional rivals.

And, yes, I did vote once for the Rhinoceros candidate when I didn’t like my other choices.

So, I was delighted to read about Daniel Charles Svoboda in Friday’s PDN running as a Trump Republican.

I want to thank Mr. Svoboda for running on the spoof issues of women voting (against), the budget (doesn’t understand it), and COVID-19 (spread by anti-racists but most certainly not by people who don’t mask up.)

I look forward to Mr. Svoboda’s participation in candidate forums where he will no doubt provide satirical entertainment in the fine tradition of the Rhinoceros Party.

Mr. Svoboda, I salute you for bringing some levity to the campaign for the 24th Legislative position.

You are providing knee-slapping fun, something we certainly need desperately during these dark and dispiriting political times.

Elaine Baker

Port Angeles