LETTER: War ultimate catastrophe

Vice President Harris should be elected President in 2024 with a character edge over former President Trump.

Unfortunately, she and Democrats have taken our nation to the brink of dangerous wars.

They still have no effective policy to prevent World War III or restore peace in Europe or the Middle East.

This is what President Eisenhower famously warned against in 1961. He argued an increasingly powerful U.S. Military Industrial Complex could blunder into wars in its zeal to increase arms sales.

That is exactly what the U.S. is doing today.

This military-industrial lobby increased its power by co-opting the mainstream media, the wealthy donor class and related lobbies. This military-industrial lobby is an authoritarian influence of private money and power attempting to replace democratic government of, by and for the people.

The military-industrial lobby is oblivious to U.S. unpreparedness to finance or fight a world war, a war in Europe or a Middle East war.

The U.S. economic recovery is largely illusory. It is remarkable only because the country has among the largest annual deficits, the largest national debts and lowest taxes as a percent of GDP in the entire industrialized world.

To go to war under these conditions could be economic or national suicide, especially for prosperity, education, Social Security, Medicare, domestic tranquility and America as we know it.

Harris and Democrats need a policy for a sustainable peace and national survival now, not after a forever war breaks out, again.

Malcolm McPhee
