LETTER: Women facing unplanned pregnancies do not appreciate men protesting abortions

In regards to men protesting abortion in Sequim [“Defends protesters, Jan. 4 Peninsula Voices]: Women facing unplanned pregnancies do not appreciate men protesting abortions.

Women who are facing a tough decision to abort are considering future financial and physical risks to themselves and a child.

Women do not want to place themselves or their future children in positions of high risk.

It is women on this planet who have provided the bulk of care for children, the disabled, the sick and the elderly, often at a financial disadvantage in a world that does not value them or compensate them, so women are not clueless.

And get real.

Churches and local charities only supplement what government is providing, which is now in jeopardy because narrow-minded people have been convinced their salvation lies in forcing pregnant women to give birth.

These same Republicans have backed a political party that wants to gut government programs and Planned Parenthood and send us all back to the 1930s.

The church and charities had their 2000 years to prove they will provide.

As far as I am concerned, they failed.

Cheryl Nash,

Port Angeles