LETTER: World in danger

The state of my country, our country, weighs heavily upon my mind.

For far too long have Americans clung to the idea that our country is invincible.

For far too long have Americans been enslaved to consumerism and capitalist titans of industry.

We are punch-drunk on our addiction to creature comforts and for far too long have we defended that stance out of fear of inconvenience.

And while we’ve been asleep at the switch, capitalists have taken it upon themselves to rape and plunder the wealth of this nation over and over.

We are speeding toward the culmination of their unquenchable hubris.

We must awaken to fight.

We must grasp this moment, raise the shields of our bravery, cast aside the cloak of our cowardice and dysfunction and indifference, and beat back this surmountable tide of Fascism.

For if we fail in our duty to uphold the core of our democracy, the Constitution, these Fascists will come for the homeless, the disabled, the elderly, people of color, LGBTQIA+ people, Indigenous people and more.

Anyone who does not share the Fascist worldview will be in danger.

Read about world and United States history.

Both will reveal that this Fascist story we are witnessing today has played out many times throughout the last 2,000 years of human history.

Philip Holman

Port Angeles