Some of us may remember the movie “The Sixth Sense” which recounted the story of a boy, played by child star Haley Joel Osment, who is haunted by ghosts and claimed he could see and talk to dead people.
Now, not to be out done, our own President Biden has claimed a similar ability.
In a New York fundraiser, Biden related how he discussed the January 2021 Capitol riot with German Chancellor Helmet Kohl.
Of course, this alleged conversation took place four years after Kohl’s death.
And, in a recent G7 gathering, he claimed to have recently chatted with former French President Francois Mitterrand but many will remember that Mitterrand passed away in 1996.
In truth, the often confused and ever-forgetful Biden was referring to Germany’s Angela Merkel and not the deceased Helmet Kohl and to French President Emmanuel Macron instead of the long-dead Mitterrand.
Obviously, President Biden misremembered, a term first seen in the circa 1500 writings of Thomas More, and which he does frequently.
Like when he misremembered, or just plain forgot, the years that he served as vice president or the date that his son died.
But it’s too bad that President Biden cannot actually talk with dead people because it would really help him with his misremembering thing.
Because if he could, he should cease chatting with less-than-effective European politicians but, rather, seek advice from a successful leader.
Perhaps he could arrange a chat with former President Ronald Reagan.
And he should take copious notes.
Dick Pilling
Port Angeles