LETTER:Columnist hypocrites

Conservative columnist Pat Buchanan claims (PDN Jan. 19) “The mob was a mile away as Trump spoke.

It was up at the capitol while Trump was on the Monument grounds.”

His timeline doesn’t fit the NY Times timeline or videos.

Does he make up information to obscure Trump’s role in inciting sedition?

Then (PDN, Jan. 26) he has the audacity to criticize President Biden’s inauguration address for a “conflicting vision” while ignoring Trump’s conflicting vision, or no vision, given there was no Republican platform for 2020 and beyond.

Buchanan mentions “…mobs attacked the Democratic Party headquarters in Portland (Oregon) and torched American flags in Seattle.”

He goes on to say, “While Biden identifies the demonic character of the enemy, he does not name them.”

Buchanan doesn’t appear to understand his role in seeding doubt in government, despite quoting Pogo “We have met the enemy and he is us.”

Buchanan should look in the mirror.

Commentary by conservative columnist Cal Thomas (PDN, Jan. 28) questions President Biden’s Christianity. Thomas cites Matthew 7:15 “Beware of false prophets….”

Where was Thomas when President Trump said Mexico will pay for the wall, the Trump administration used force to disband a peaceful protest near the White House for a Trump photo-op holding a Bible, Trump’s tirade about a stolen election with no proof that could stand up in court, etc.?

Both columnists seem to me to be blatantly hypocritical and oblivious to their role in sowing discontent and division in America.

A pox on them both.

Robert Vreeland

Port Angeles