LETTER:Jeffers’ correction

A letter to the editor published Oct. 25 said that I, Heather Jeffers, would consider a proposal to sell Olympic Medical Center. I did not say that.

During an interview on KONP on July 22, all three candidates in the primary election for the at-large position on the Olympic Medical Center commission were asked how they would feel about a merger of OMC with another hospital.

While I would not want to either sell or merge OMC, the term “sell” was simply not the subject of the question asked.

Also, all three candidates responded similarly to the question asked.

Steven Blackham, the third candidate in the primary election, answering first said the merger would need to be “entertained and evaluated.”

Then I used the words, “Let’s look at all the options and what does that mean, the pros and cons.”

Next Karen Rogers said, “Well of course you review the proposal” before she went on to express her interest in keeping the hospital public.

The job of a hospital district commissioner must be to evaluate all issues presented to the board in an intellectual and complete manner.

As a commissioner that is what I intend to do.

To imply that I would favor selling or merging Olympic Medical Center, as I believe the letter intended, is wrong.


Heather Jeffers
