LETTER:Rate increases

Clallam Public Utility District 1 is proposing significant rate changes with little input from customers.

They sent a letter out on July 13, announcing a workshop on July 24 and a meeting to make a decision on July 31.

The letter proposes significant increases in rates.

Considering our crumbling water infrastructure, some kind of rate increase is necessary.

But the PUD provided no information on critical elements of the rate structure: the base charges, which is the fee you pay regardless of how much water you use, and the tiered rate structure, which details rates that change with higher water usage.

In asking the PUD for information, they told me that they have proposed to increase base charges, but no specifics were provided.

High base charges mean people who use less water, because they are low income or want to conserve for other reasons, are paying more per gallon than users who use huge amounts or waste water.

A low base charge and tiered rates, where people who use more water pay more, gives relief to low-income customers and promotes water conservation.

Meanwhile, despite the poor communication on rate structures, the PUD is rushing this proposal through.

PUD commissioners need to put off a final decision, provide new alternatives that reduce the base charge, spend more time and effort to communicate to rate-payers, and make the decision when we all have more information and better alternatives.

I encourage PUD ratepayers to contact the commissioners as soon as possible and share their views on this topic.

Paul Pickett

Port Angeles