Earlier this year I was researching online a question I had about the homeless.
I had no luck but did learn there are vast Himalayas of data on this subject.
Something I’ve observed the past couple years is the number of young pregnancies in the area.
Not the somewhat older happy couples I sometimes see buying groceries together.
There’s a remarkable number of young persons having children now.
More than I recall seeing ever before.
I wonder how many are married?
Or how many are having a child because it’s now not socially stigmatized?
The homeless demographic now seems to be overwhelmingly male.
Men and boys.
Washington, Oregon and California all have very large homeless populations.
All three states also have harsh laws against fathers but very preferential laws towards mothers.
The statistics on boys in this country now are distressing.
Washington state, unbelievably, has actually incentivized single parenthood.
I’m not talking about single fatherhood.
When I became something I never before expected to be, a single father, I learned firsthand the amount of opposition there was not to mention the expense involved and the court’s dismissive attitude towards dads.
Mothers can literally cut their children’s father out of his own child’s life, with the full consent of the court.
My still unanswered question regarding the homeless in Washington state: How many of these poor souls grew up in stable, two-parent families?
You know, a mother and a father?
This state should stop rewarding out of wedlock births.
Tom LaRue