LETTER:Support for three

Incumbent Clallam County Commissioner Mark Ozias won the Aug. 1 primary with 64.9 percent of the vote.

Unopposed, he is headed for an even bigger landslide in the Nov. 7 general election.

I heard Ozias say recently that commissioners spend 99 percent of their time solving practical problems.

Not partisan politics.

Not pleading for campaign contributions.

Not posing as a victim of dark conspiracy.

Not smearing a political opponent.

Not scheming to suppress votes, on the contrary, pleading with everyone to fill out their ballot and mail it in.

Mark Ozias was the director of the Sequim Food Bank.

Hunger was a practical problem.

The solution?

Provide food.

He did.

I have never heard Mark Ozias utter a mean word.

He is always reaching out, seeking unity.

Among the people he admires is Dr. Allison Berry.


She worked to solve a practical problem, COVID-19.

She urged vaccinations, social distancing, wearing masks, even in the face of anti-vaxxer threats to her life.

Another practical politician is Port Angeles City Council member Navarra Carr, who won 55 percent of the primary vote.

A renter, Carr knows that thousands cannot afford rent or a mortgage, hundreds already homeless.

Health care, too, is a practical problem, keeping Olympic Medical Center open and public, defense of Medicare from privatization.

Sequim City Council member Kathy Downer is a practical politician running for reelection to defend democracy against QAnon ignorance and hate.

All these practical candidates deserve our votes Nov. 7.

Tim Wheeler
